The Importance of Reading for Children

Reading, internationally, is essential for children to become successful in school. The better a child can read, the easier it is to learn what is needed in class. 

Reading improves concentration and memory.  Children can also learn about the world and people, places and events that are outside their personal experiences.  To read is the greatest education that can be achieved as it opens one's mind to other realities other than their own.

Reading is equivalent to exercise for the brain. Encouraging your child to read more will eventually increase their comprehension and their command of vocabulary.  Good readers also tend to have greater confidence and a better self image.

Reading can also be a wonderful source of entertainment.  Today, with the isolation from COVID 19, children can immerse themselves in a book that excites them as the story unfolds. Having good stories to read or having stories read to them may help children deal with isolation.

Albert Einstein knew the value of reading.  He believed that reading is essential for children to become successful in school and in their journey through life. 

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.  If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."  This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein.

Check out the children's books offered on the "Soldoutright" Shopify Store.  Please peruse our collection and keep coming back as we are always adding new good reads.